Program Experience Feedback

Help us understand how we are going with providing a quality experience.

At Outward Bound Australia we pride ourselves on providing outdoor education experiences that are enjoyable and rewarding for our participants. To help us understand how we are meeting this expectation, and to identify any aspects where we can improve, we ask you to please complete the below feedback survey/s. 

Please complete the survey set that matches the program type you attended. 

Public Program
You attended one of the following programs: Gutsy Girls Adventure, Family Adventure, Junior, Leadership, Expedition
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School Program
You are a student who attended a program organised through your school.
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Partnership Program
You attended a program arranged with an organisation or company with whom you are a client, member, or staff.
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Public Program Surveys
You can help Outward Bound Australia improve program and Group Leader development by completing this evaluation honestly and thoughtfully.
Your written feedback is useful for your Group Leaders’ professional development and future Outward Bound program design.
Your comments are confidential. They will be used anonymously for specific Group Leader feedback, then will be incorporated into general feedback as part of the overall review of the program.

Outward Bound Outcomes Survey (OBOS)

IMPORTANT! On Page 2 of this survey, you will be asked for a Course Code. Please copy-paste the exact code for your specific program from the list below:

  • 240708 Leadership ACT

Outward Bound Australia is part of the Outward Bound International network. The unifying aspect of any Outward Bound program is the delivery of the core outcomes:

  • Compassion for Others
  • Environmental Responsibility
  • Resilience
  • Self Confidence
  • Social Competence

This survey assists us to understand the extent that your program delivered on these outcomes. Your responses are confidential. The collective responses from everyone on your program are used to report on the program’s outcomes achievement and which activities provided the greatest opportunity for these outcomes to be explored. 

School Program Survey

Outward Bound Outcomes Survey (OBOS)

IMPORTANT! On Page 2 of this survey, you will be asked for a Course Code. Please copy-paste the exact code for your specific program from the list below:

  • 240501 Burgmann OE
  • 240507 Korowa Trek Prep


Outward Bound Australia is part of the Outward Bound International network. The unifying aspect of any Outward Bound program is the delivery of the core outcomes:

  • Compassion for Others
  • Environmental Responsibility
  • Resilience
  • Self Confidence
  • Social Competence

This survey assists us to understand the extent that your program delivered on these outcomes. Your responses are confidential. The collective responses from everyone on your program are used to report on the program’s outcomes achievement and which activities provided the greatest opportunity for these outcomes to be explored. 

Partnership Program Survey

Outward Bound Outcomes Survey (OBOS)

IMPORTANT! On Page 2 of this survey, you will be asked for a Course Code. Please copy-paste the exact code for your specific program from the list below:

  • 240517 Karralika


Outward Bound Australia is part of the Outward Bound International network. The unifying aspect of any Outward Bound program is the delivery of the core outcomes:

  • Compassion for Others
  • Environmental Responsibility
  • Resilience
  • Self Confidence
  • Social Competence

This survey assists us to understand the extent that your program delivered on these outcomes. Your responses are confidential. The collective responses from everyone on your program are used to report on the program’s outcomes achievement and which activities provided the greatest opportunity for these outcomes to be explored. 

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