You can change lives.

With your help, we can continue delivering programs for Australia's most vulnerable, disadvantaged and marginalised people. Your tax-deductible donation will help us, and our non-profit partners, build a better future for all.

Your tax-deductible donation contributes to a life affirming program for a:

  • young person experiencing social, economic or educational disadvantage
  • woman seeking to rebuild their life after domestic violence
  • young person experiencing homelessness
  • newly arrived Australian working through their historic trauma
  • young person living with family mental ill-health
  • partially sighted young person about to leave home for their first job or tertiary education
  • drug and alcohol affected adult seeking recovery

Your tax-deductible donation enables us to deliver programs that build self-confidence, self-esteem, self-belief and resilience with partner organisations including:

Teen Suicide
Menslink supports, counsels and mentors young men experiencing issues around mental health, family breakdown or social isolation and works towards reducing teen suicide, teen unemployment and involvement with the juvenile justice system.
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Refugee Trauma
STARTTS provides culturally relevant psychological treatment and support, and community interventions, to help people and communities heal the scars of torture and refugee trauma and rebuild their lives in Australia.
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Youth Homelessness
Stepping Stone House provides a safe place for children and young people at risk or experiencing homelessness so they can begin to heal, build resilience, create connections and become the very best they can be.
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Domestic Violence
Adamas Nexus, a ‘post crisis’ peer-support group for women, and those who identify as women, who have been the recipients of domestic violence or psychological or sexual abuse.
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Indigenous Australians
Clontarf Foundation helps young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men to attend school, finish Year 12, enter employment and contribute to society in a positive, meaningful way.
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Vision Impaired
Guide Dogs NSW/ACT enables people with low vision or blindness to get around their communities safely and independently.
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